My Notes from the Reading:
What are the Major Components of the Writing Process?

“Writing is a complex problem solving activity that involves thinking, planning , and decision making, in addition to the mechanics of transcription.”

A Cognitive Process Model of Writing

Flower and Hayes (1981) composed of:
·         the task environment
·         the writer’s long-term memory
·         the process of writing itself

Task Environment:
 “All those things outside the writer’s skin, starting with the rhetorical problem or assignment”

Writer’s Long Term Memory:
“Stored knowledge, not only of the topic, but of the audience and various writing plans”

Writing Process:
“Planning, Translating ,and Reviewing”

Current Educational Theory:
Writing as a 5 Process Cycle

·         Prewriting
·         Drafting
·         Reviewing
·         Editing
·         Publishing/Sharing

My Response to the Reading:
The Process Model of Writing
Flower and Hayes (1981) :

In the homeschool world we have long been cognizant of the need to separate the act of composing from the mechanics of writing.

 The world of the ET includes the addition of the task environment: the idea that in the classroom a student needs to successfully complete an assignment that has not been customized to their own ability WHILE being involved in a social arena in which they are able to compare their own ability to those of their peers and form opinions or anxieties about themselves (or the task) based on these comparisons.

Note to Self: Print a copy of the Flower and Hayes Article for Thesis Research!

Flower, L., & Hayes, J.R., (1981) A cognitive process theory of writing. College Composition and Communication, 32(4), 365-387.

What Kinds of Problems do Students with Disabilities have with Writing?

 Students with learning disabilities find writing overwhelming.

·         Students with LD may not plan because they do not know how to plan.

·         They experience difficulties in the transcription process, both spelling and handwriting, and these struggles affect the overall quality of their writing because cognitive resources devoted to transcription are not available for higher-order processes.

·         Revisions can become limited to the correction of mechanical errors.

Students with other kinds of disabilities face other obstacles to writing- primarily with the mechanics for most physical disabilities, although the language aspect can come into play with SLD and hearing disabilities.

Note Taking deserves special notice:
While it does not involve pre-writing and revising
It does require:
·         multi-tasking and cognitive switching
·         the ability to organize ideas
·         the ability to distinguish what is salient from what is not
·         the ability to write fluently and speedily

Which technology tools can address problems with
pre-writing activities, and how?

Graphic Organizers:
·         Think sheets
·         Concept maps
·         Templates

Questions: Will we have a chance to explore Inspiration Software in class?

Which technology tools can address problems with drafting, reviewing, and editing, and how?
·         Typewriters
·         Word Processing Applications
·         Word Prediction Applications
·         Custom Dictionaries
·         Auto-correct
·         Speech Recognition Applications
              o    Dragon Naturally Speaking
              o   SpeakQ
              o   MacSpeech Dictation

·         Text-to-Speech

·         Spell-checks
                o   Phonetic based dictionaries
                o   Talking spell-checks
·         Thesauruses
·         Grammar checkers
·         Homonym finders
·         Text correction software
·         Track changes /Insert Comments

The older form of Microsoft word had a summarize tool…does the current version have one that I have just not found? If not, are there any applications out there that will summarize text?

Which technology tools can assist with publishing or sharing of students work?
·         Printers!
·         Class newsletters/newspapers
·         Multi-media presentation applications
·         Story writing programs
·         The internet:
            o   Blogs
            o   Discussion boards
            o   Instant messaging
            o   Wikis

I love the digital storytelling idea  on pg.44

My students have used power point to make simple reports with text and images but the idea of starting with a story or script and then adding multimedia to make it come to life is another avenue to explore…especially in task based Executive Function Thinking Therapy.

 I am curious to see Prezi how easily Prezi is to use…

Which technology tools can address problems with note taking, and how?
·         Portable note takers
·         Smartpen
·         Braille note takers
·         Application with captionist and second display
·         Capturing devices

What else, in addition to appropriate technology selection, is essential to improve the writing of students with disabilities?

Best Practices for using At to improve student writing takes a three pronged approach:
·         instruction on the writing process
·         training with the tech tools
·         training on how to use the teach tools to enhance the 
           writing process

Print a copy of Fig.2.11 pg. 51
The Writing Wheel from Teaching the Writing Process to Students with LD by Scot and M. Vitale 2003 , Intervention in School and Clinic, 38(4) p.222

Awesome graphic!

Note to Self:
Print a copy of Table 2.2 pg. 45
Linking Technology Tools to the Writing Process

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